Hey EMTs, thanks for all of the hard work completed in 2022. No matter how exhausted you feel
from 2022, your daily efforts never go unnoticed.
Check out all of the badass first responders that made headlines in 2022!
1. L.A. responders locate infant abandoned in Louisiana field.
The child, who was approximately eight months old, “didn’t even cry” during the rescue, Baton
Rouge Emergency Medical Services spokesman Mike Chustz said. Kudos to you, Louisiana!
2. Paramedic saves man from Gaboon Viper bite.
The patient required 44 vials of anti-venom because of the bite from a Gaboon Viper, one of the
deadliest snakes in the world. Thad Bowman, a paramedic with the Myrtle Beach Fire Depart–
ment, got the antivenom to the patient. Way to go, Thad!
3. First Responders save man trapped under Jeep for 24 hours.
As nearly 50 first responders from Virginia participated in a day-long search for a missing man
in July, the USAR team located the missing man’s vehicle using a satellite service.
4. Off duty EMT and nursing student treat shooting victims in South Carolina mall.
A nursing student and an off-duty EMT provided medical aid to victims of the shooting at the
Columbiana Centre.
5. Off Duty EMT from Salt Lake City, Utah rescues driver from crash.
Justin Morrow was one day from returning to work full-time following an injury in July when he
rushed to help a man and two children after an automobile collision. You’re a hero, Justin!
Thank you for your work.
6. Firefighters and EMS team from Wisconsin rescue man from drum of concrete mixing truck.
The Madison Fire Department’s Heavy Urban Rescue Team assisted the DeForest Fire Depart–
ment and Sun Prairie EMS in August. There are some heroes living in Wisconsin, folks!